A free listing service for Slot Car Racing clubs and tracks, both personal and commercial, across Canada. Tracks are categorized by Province and type of track/club. All Scales are welcome.
If you want your track added to the list, just fill out this form, and we’ll add your track to the list.
What a great way to meet other Slot Car Racing enthusiasts in your area.
New Track Listings
24 Meter Carrera Digital Track with Axel box analogue switching. We race weekly on Wednesday nights. New members always welcome.
VASCAR is a club of 10 guys who never grew up. We gather Bi-Weekly between 3 venues. Racers range from 10 to 84. New members are always wanted venues: 84 foot 3 lane MDF 18 foot 2 lane MDf 56 foot 1/24 scale Carrera
The track layout is Carrera Analog type, and the layout size is approximately 4m x 1m. The total race length is about 15m. You can enjoy the track with your family and friends.
Scalextric Digital track on a 8ft x 16ft table with a 1ft wing started off simple but like all hobbies got out of control!
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